Friday, May 30, 2014

The Skinny On The “Skinny Shot”: Does it really help weight loss?

Weight gain is inevitable from time to time for most of us women. However, there is no special cure, no quick fix, no miracle worker. Or is there? Recently there has been much talk about the "skinny shot" and what it really does to help (or hinder) weight loss. We got down to the root of this mystery and talked to celeb lifestyle expert and CEO/ founder of Vertical Wellness, Shanna Israel, to find out more about this diet secret.

So what is this "skinny shot" we speak of? Before you get too skeptical, it's an everyday product most of us probably already have in our homes: apple cider vinegar. Yes, that bitter-tasting stuff no one really understands what to do with. According to most health and fitness gurus, taking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before a meal can help rev up your metabolism and curb your diet. But before you run to the grocery, here is what Shanna Israel has to say about the real science behind this new fad.

Shanna says apple cider vinegar naturally benefits the body. "A lot of people have success with it. It can suppress [one's] appetite, control blood sugar, curb metabolism and even help the acidity in the body, calming inflammation, which can help weight loss." But, she says, it's a trial-and-error thing. Some people are sensitive to it because it is fermented, so it may not work for everyone. There are also no studies to prove that it in fact does help weight loss. However, based on general health knowledge, Shanna says, "Overall, people love it and it has a lot of benefits that most people don't realize."

Shanna Israel

If you just can't stand the bitter taste or you are sensitive to the stuff, Shanna says there is an alternative. Raw, unrefined coconut oil has many of the same benefits as apple cider vinegar. Coconut oil can be used in smoothies, coffee, as cooking oil and in many other ways, making it easier to incorporate into your diet than the alternative. But, whatever you decide to try, just know that it's an added health benefit. While some may see success and results with it, there still is no miracle shot that will shed 50 pounds overnight. Stick to adding extra-healthy things into your diet, and you should see results. Like Shanna says, "Your body is a machine. If you fuel it properly, it will run properly."

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