Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Do the Most Admired Woman Winners Know Something You Don’t?

By Tiffany White

Rough week? Sometimes, we could all use a few words of wisdom to help us find courage to take risks and become better in every part of our lives. If self-doubt is creeping in, here are 12 things to remember from our Most Admired Woman winners.

“There’s a saying in the business that if you miss one day of practice, you know it; if you miss two days of practice, your friends know it; and if you miss three days of practice, everybody knows it.”
Melody Welsh-Buchholz, executive director of Louisville Youth Orchestra

“I admire women who are confident, women who are go-getters and sure of themselves, who are compassionate and have the interpersonal skills to connect with others, see different viewpoints, and put themselves in others’ shoes.

Crystal Kelly, Tennessee Tech University, Women’s Basketball Assistant Coach

“In my private life, I can’t control everything. I have to let people be imperfect and let circumstances lead to inefficiency. And that’s hard for me.”

Julene B. Samuels, M.D. Owner of A Woman’s Touch

“I’m an independent thinker, and I have confidence in my abilities and in my decisions. Some women might think they can’t get to the top because of their disadvantages, so they decide to just be satisfied with slightly less. But I’m never satisfied with slightly less, so I keep pushing myself.”
Diane Medley, managing partner of accounting firm Mountjoy Chilton Medley LLP

“I’m a huge proponent of change. In fact, I believe that if something is not broken, you change it anyway.”

Vicky Weber, senior vice president of business relations & marketing of Kosair Charities

“I started in broadcast, then went to politics and the corporate arena, and now I’m in the philanthropic sector. It all goes back to putting together your diverse experiences and being ready for the moment when it arrives. I firmly believe that, regardless of what those experiences are, the sum is always greater than the parts. Collectively, one plus one equals three.”
Laura Melillo Barnum, executive director of Yum Brands Foundation
and Global Community Investment

“I’m one of those people who refuses to quit. Once I start something, I keep going until it’s finished.
Angela Parsons, principal of The Brown School

“I feel like I was successful even before I started doing this, because the approach that I take on life is just do what you love to do, and be around people who make you happy, and whom you make happy.”
Adrienne Holland, Adrienne & Co. Bakery and Cafe

“I learned early on that there’s a difference between doing what’s right and doing the right thing.”
Kim Tharp-Barrie, vice president of Norton Healthcare’s Institute for Nursing

“It’s amazing how quickly you can decompress just sitting on the porch for 10 minutes at sunset.”
Mary Ann Dallenbach, owner of St. Matthews Feed & Seed

“It might be only 20 minutes in a day, and sometimes I don’t get them at all, but I have to take care of me in order to be good for anyone else.”

Angie Fenton, entertainment correspondent on WHAS-11 Great Day Live, 
editor-in-chief of Extol Magazine

"I do like to work within the rules, but I try to figure out ways to get to the 'yes' so
we can get things done."

Ellen Hesen, chief of staff for Louisville Metro Mayor Greg Fischer 

Do you have any inspirational words to add to this list? What’s the best advice you’ve received? Also don't forget to purchase your ticket for the Most Admired Woman event happening on June 28 at the Olmsted. The deadline to register is June 24.

1 comment:

  1. Some great comments here - I really want to hear more!


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