Sunday, July 3, 2016

What Works for this New Mom

By Lucy M. Pritchett 

What works for a woman will be different in each stage of life. For instance, Jennifer London is a new mom, and what is working for her right now is an app called Baby Nursing. It is geared for breastfeeding moms and lets the new mother track nursing progress, growth, diaper changes, and doctor’s visits.

“This app really helped me at first because I didn’t know what was normal,” Jen says. “It tracks feedings and all the other things that go along with our daughter’s progress. Right now I’m transitioning from breastfeeding to formula. I enter the information as I go along. This app helped me to figure out timings and to set up a little routine.”

Jen is an eighth grade English teacher at Scribner Middle School in New Albany and also has her own graphic design company, London Perspectives. She and her husband, JC, are parents to their first child, daughter Giovanna. The family lives in Floyds Knobs.

“I’m learning that patience is the biggest thing I need right now,” Jen says about being a new mom. “I am used to being independent and doing what I want when I want. Not having that independence now just comes with the territory of having a baby.”

Jennifer enjoys teaching middle-school-aged children, although most people tell her how brave she is to teach 13- and 14-year-olds. “I have a sassy and outspoken personality, which works well with that age group, and I find them to be very funny,” she says. “They teach me about pop culture, and I learn new words and slang phrases from them.”

Because the Baby Nursing app is stage-of-life specific, here are three long-term items that work for Jen.

Fitbit Alta Fitness Wristband 
“I had an older version of the Fitbit, but this newest version is great. It keeps me motivated to be more active. It reminds me that I need to get up and move if I have been sitting too long, and it records how many calories I have burned. I can sync it to my phone to notify me of an incoming text or email. I set my own goals for the number of steps I want to reach each day. I had back surgery in 2014, so it’s a good motivator to keep moving. The other teachers at school and I set challenges with each other to see who can get the most steps in.”

Birkenstock sandals 
“I was inspired to buy these sandals by one of my students. My feet were super swollen during my pregnancy. By the end, these were the only shoes that fit me. I like the style (Mayari), and the color is sort of an antique lace that goes with everything. This is the first pair of Birkenstocks I have ever had. In college I studied abroad in Germany and wanted to buy a pair of Birkenstocks there but didn’t get around to it. I like these — they are more modern-looking than the original style.”

Teacher planner
“I designed this planner for myself. Other planners I found were not geared toward high school or middle school teachers but more toward elementary school teachers. Each month has its own calendar page, a place for notes, lesson plans, and an inspiring quote. I set up tabs for notes from other school activities that I am involved with — the school newspaper, yearbook, and student council. I chose a cute cover and had it printed and bound at Staples. I have designed and customized planners for other teachers as well. For example, I have a college friend who teaches Spanish, and I designed a planner specific to her needs. I keep and refer to my planners from year to year.

What works for you? If you're looking for a few new items to add to your list, you can find some ideas here.

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