Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What's Sherrell Wearing to Derby? So many hat choices

Sherrell Hubbard ~ Cover:

by Jan Wutkowski, $500, aMuse: artisanal finery, hatshatshats.com

by June Bale, The Willow Tree, $899

by Christine A. Moore, Christine A. Moore Millinery, $470

by Gin Ho, Glitz by Gin, $699

Which one of these styles do you think she wears the best?

Sherrell Hubbard, a reporter for WAVE-3, will be covering her first Oaks and Derby this year, and has picked out a couple of hats she's sure will be winners for a day at the track. "For Oaks, I picked out a fuschia fascinator from a Downtown boutique to go with a dress I already own. For Derby, I have a canary yellow Dana Buchman suit that I will likely pair with a fascinator as well. I like bright colors, and I like the fascinators because it shows your face. I have tried on a lot of hats and either they seemed too big, too small or too over-the-top. I don't feel as if I'm a hat person, so I've tried to keep my selections simple." 


  1. Since she is working at the Derby, the fascinator is probably the best choice, but I love that blue hat! Wow!

  2. LOVE the pink hat on her!!!


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