Exploring the breadth of women's issues with humor and wisdom, WOMEN ON FIRE earned the highest rating for audience satisfaction from the Wall Street Journal/Zagat Theatre Survey. From ad exec to Midwest mom to care-giver to construction worker, each character is on fire in her own way- with passion, fear, self-discovery, even shopping! An evening of twelve emotionally charged monologues.
"Fresh, spirited...plumbing the secret depths of ordinary women." - Backstage
"O'Garden's monologues are pithy, evocative, and lively in their scrutiny of women operating under timeless pressures as well as pressures exclusive to today." - Theatre Mania
"Bewitching ... astounding ... heartbreaking." - The New York Times
When: various performances, June 12-28
Where: The Henry Clay Building (@ Third and Chestnut)
Tickets: General Admission - $22.00, Seniors - $19.00 (Over 62), Students - $10.00 (Under 25 with ID,) Children - $10.00, Students (Over 25) - $17.00
Contact: the box-office at (502) 585-5306 or Bunburytheatrereservations@gmail.com
-Gioia Patton
I am a part of this moving production. Come enjoy the funny and serious issues of the women. You won't regret the time and money spent. Will be produced for the next 2 week-ends. Have heard good comments so far. Emily Miller