Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Before She Goes: She Wears Two Things That Help Her Face Her Day

By Megan M. Seckman

Heather doesn't spend time obsessing over what she'll wear, but she still manages to pull together a great outfit that fits perfectly with her lifestyle. 

When you own a business and you’re the mother of a 4-year-old and a newborn, life can get a little tricky. That’s why Heather Molina, founder of Owltree Yoga (a studio that specializes in pre- and post-natal yoga classes) refers to her style right now as “Survival Mode.” We’re not talking camo and combat boots — we’re just talking about making it through the day.

“If I have clothes on, I feel that is success right now,” Heather says with a laugh. “So my style is just to be dressed. The other day I got myself and both girls fed, dressed — with shoes even; I have to double-check that everyone has shoes lately — and out the door to a ballet lesson. That was a major accomplishment.”

Heather is living in yoga pants right now. She sleeps in them, wears them when running errands, and of course, wears them to work. “I dress up my yoga pants with a nice scarf and a pair of earrings, check to see that there is no spit up or Play-Doh on me somewhere, and I’m out the door,” she says. “If I have a nice pair of earrings on, I can face the world. That is my typical uniform. The scarf is great because it adds a little warmth, beauty, and is useful for hiding your boob when you nurse in public. Everything I wear is super comfortable and functional right now for sure.”

Heather is a wiz at finding multiple uses for basic items, which is also beneficial for her daughters Emma (left) and Thea Brynn. 

Before I Go…
“I make sure I grab some Chapstick, my baby carriers — a Boba for my 4-year-old and a Moby for the newborn (she carries one on the front and one on the back) — and rub on some coconut oil. Like everyone else, I use coconut oil for everything. It makes the best diaper rash ointment, and it makes everyone smell like the beach.”

Emma loves her meditation pillow. 

Latest Purchase She’s Praising:
Anhu Montana hiking boots from Quest Outdoors are Heather’s current shoe of choice because she does a lot of hiking and walking. “They’re really lightweight and durable for rain, snow, or long walks with the kiddos.”

What inspires her:
“A card from one of my dearest friends. She wrote, ‘You are strong, You are safe, You are loved, and You are worthy.’ I have it next to my bathroom mirror and read it every day. It helps get me through.

Beauty Product She’s Loving:
“I use Origins products from head to toe and love OnGuard from doTerra Essential Oils for immune boosting.”

Jewelry Every Woman Should be Wearing:
“Earrings from Peace of Earth, Just Creations, and World Market.”

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