Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Before She Goes Running

By Megan M. Seckman

Photos by Sunni Wigginton

Each morning she rises at 4:15, drinks coffee, eats a breakfast of champions, and walks her dogs. She throws on whichever shorts and athletic shirts present themselves in the predawn light of her Highlands home and laces up her Reebok Nano tennis shoes. Then she makes her way to the still-dark and quiet location where she will push and drill and support a group of women to exert every ounce of energy possible before the sun even shows its face.

Her name is Camille Moseley, but you can call her “Coach.” She has chosen this life of discipline, but the results are resoundingly clear. It’s in her skin that radiates a healthy glow, the muscle tone of her petite frame, and the smiles on the faces of her happy (yet sweaty) campers.

Camille, 34, and her husband, Shane, took over a local fitness boot camp three years ago just after the younger of their two daughters, Mila, was born with a form of autism. Mila’s processing disorder demanded more attention than Camille’s full-time job at G.E. could provide, so Camille decided to go back to her passion — athletics — and Fit Lou Boot Camp was born. Ever since, the couple rises before most of the waking world to coach lawyers, doctors, judges, busy mothers, and more who are trapped in hectic schedules and yearning for fitness. Fit Lou Boot Camp is an all-women’s boot camp for ages 20 to 70 that practices Monday through Friday from 5:30-6:30 in two locations, Hogan’s Fountain in Cherokee Park and the Louisville Indoor Racquet Club off Westport Road.

“My husband and I both did Crossfit but thought it must be really intimidating for women to walk into that environment with a bunch of athletic people, half dressed, working out,” Camille says. “We wanted to create a high-intensity boot camp where women can compete in a comfortable, positive, and supportive place.”

Both the Moseleys come from athletic backgrounds. Camille learned body mechanics from gymnastics and ballet. Her title as “Coach” stems from her stint as a pre-season conditioning coach for Bellarmine’s lacrosse team and from her experience coaching runners using the Pose Method, a system that focuses on proper technique and efficiency. She holds a minor in exercise science and a host of fitness certifications. She is a Boston Marathon runner; he is an Ironman alumnus. Shane also is adept in fitness training and weightlifting. Together, they coach busy women through strength training, barbell exercises, competitive drills and games, hurdles, sprints, and presses before business hours.

To start your day at 4:15 takes discipline, and Camille has learned to live a regimented schedule. Not only does she turn in for the night at 8 or 9pm with some help from her blackout curtains, but she also maintains a strict eating plan consisting primarily of chicken and fish, rice and quinoa, steamed green vegetables and sweet potatoes. Camille eats pre-portioned combinations of these foods five times a day to help with her asthma, allergies, IBS, and to give her body enough energy to maintain her weightlifting practice.

Camille keeps everything in her life running smoothly by staying organized and planning ahead. 

“I’ve found it makes life easier to stick to a plan,” she says. “My daughter’s condition makes it so we have to be very scheduled. I could never say, ‘I think we’ll go to the pool today’ with her. I’ve also found eating to be easier when I have a meal plan. I cook on Wednesdays and Sundays for the whole week, then I portion everything out. It is much more budget-friendly and gets rid of the anxiety, stress, and guilt that comes from eating out.”

So what’s on Camille’s meal plan before she goes? Five egg whites and one cup of plain oatmeal with cinnamon. And a cup of coffee, of course.

What she’s wearing?
“If you saw me, you’d laugh. I rarely match. I’m usually in some plain tights or exercise shorts, a random shirt, and my Reebok Nano tennis shoes.”

Latest purchase she’s praising?
“I bought these navy blue Under Armour tights that fit me perfectly. I’m 5-foot-2 and hold a lot of weight in my legs, so it’s hard to find pants that fit me. These are perfect, and I probably wear them three times a week.”

Product she’s using?
“I’m super freckly. I absolutely won’t leave the house without my Water BB cream with sunscreen from Smashbox and a little mascara (because my eyelashes are completely white).”

Favorite accessory?
“My Apple Watch is my new addiction. Fitness watches can make you obsessive-compulsive as you constantly check your activity, but I like the Apple Watch because it gives me a new activity goal each day and keeps me organized between my daughters’ therapy and social schedules.”

Do you have a fitness routine? What new things are you doing to stay healthy?  

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